GREEN(ERY), LEGS, AND HAM(STRINGS) | Full-Body Workout Routine

GREEN(ERY), LEGS, AND HAM(STRINGS) | Full-Body Workout Routine

This month, we’re celebrating nature, getting out to the national parks (the ones that are still open), and just being one with the great outdoors. What better way to live our best outdoor lives than to stay fit with a workout routine? Grab your water, favorite fitness outfit, and get ready to make a positive impact on your health — while outside! 

Make sure to stretch before starting your workout! Do each one for about 30 seconds. 

Use resistance band for the following exercises.

Banded squat (15 Reps x 4): Place band above knees and squat with legs shoulder width apart. Make sure you go all the way down, as if you were sitting on an imaginary chair.

Standing hip abductions (20 Reps x 4 each leg): Lift your leg sideways, keeping your core engaged. Contract your glutes while performing this exercise and hold contraction at the top for a second.  

Standing glute kickbacks (20 Reps x 4 each leg): Lift your leg until your hamstrings are in line with your back. Contract your glutes while performing this part of the exercise and hold the contraction at the top for a second.

Banded jump squat (15 Reps x 4): Hinge at the hips to push your butt back and lower down until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Then press your feet down to explode off the floor and jump as high as you can. Allow your knees to bend 45 degrees when you land, immediately drop back down into a squat, and jump again.


Use 3 lbs weights for arm exercises.

Lateral arm raises (10 Reps x 4): Stand or sit with a dumbbell in each hand at your sides. Keep your back straight, brace your core, and then slowly lift the weights out to the side until your arms are parallel with the floor. 

Front arm raises (10 Reps x 4): Stand or sit with a dumbbell in each hand at your sides. Keep your back straight, brace your core, and then slowly lift the weights out to the front. 

Tricep kickbacks (15 Reps x 4): Engage your core and keep your head, neck, and spine in one line. Place one hand on your thigh for support. On an exhale, engage your triceps as you slowly extend your arm back as far as you can, keeping your arm in tight by your side. Pause here, then inhale as you return your arm to the starting position.

Overhead press (15 Reps x 4): Hold a dumbbell in each hand at the shoulders with an overhand grip. Raise the weights above the head in a controlled motion while exhaling. Return the dumbbells to the shoulders while inhaling.

This full-body outdoor workout was contributed exclusively to Ellie by fitness enthusiast Loreana von Plocki. Instagram: @thedailybella