Ballet dancer and choreographer Olga Sokolova began her journey in Eastern Russia, where she trained as an Olympic rhythmic gymnast before discovering her passion for dance. Her remarkable journey led her to stages in over 40 countries, including a performance before the Dalai Lama and accompanying musical artists. With her perfect dancer’s form, spiritual outlook and enviable golden locks, we got to know our Ellie February Collection model in seven questions..

What are some of your daily rituals?
My days are diverse, but I try to maintain healthy patterns, like being creative and keeping my mind healthy. I begin every day with two glasses of water to jumpstart my system. Evening is a time of creativity for me: I write poetry, watch documentaries, read books about anything from ancient civilizations and spirituality to the mind and body. I also stretch before I go to bed to help maintain joint mobility and blood flow. I sleep 7-8 hours so my body can rest and recover.
Do you have any guilty pleasures?
I really enjoy sweets— chocolate, smoothies, berries and fruit. But it’s pleasure, not guilt! If my body asks for sweets, I do not create a complex for myself and I’m not excessive. Also, as any Russian person, I enjoy fries and potatoes. I know millions of recipes!

How do you recharge and stay strong?
Travel adventures recharge my energy. I also try to maintain spiritual and mental health first. I believe we are strongest when mind, body and spirit are in alignment. Maintaining a mind free of judgement, drama, and negativity makes a person strong, as does appreciating life and trusting its process. When you allow yourself to see good, your health starts shifting.
Where do you find motivation?
When my energy gets low or I feel negative, I find a moment of peace and clear my mind through meditation. My biggest motivation is the invisible presence of life force. I am empowered by it and am able to materialize my plans in this world. We need to silence the noise around us so we can hear it.
What’s your greatest source of inspiration?
Life itself inspires me most! The wonderful feeling of being alive, being able to create, to express and to manifest life in the lessons I teach, the scripts I write, the projects I direct, and the way I live life. People and nature also inspire me.

How do you push your body to the next level?
At this stage of my life, pushing my body to its limit is no longer necessary. At one point it was, because I was combining rhythmic gymnastics, classical ballet, and contemporary dance. I was testing my endurance, speed, agility to the point of not being able to move in the morning to gain strength. Now I use proper training to avoid overworking my body, but to maintain great quality of expressive movement. When you engage knowledge and energy into your work, you don’t exhaust your body.
How do you celebrate your body?
Celebrating this life fully is celebrating what my body can do. I celebrate through gratitude. I am grateful for this sacred instrument I’ve been given to express my thoughts and feelings..
Follow Olga’s artful moves and inspiring life on Instagram @olgadances.