The hard part’s over! Workout: check! Sweat: check check!
But before you get on with your day, make sure to do your post-workout recovery. Why is this important? In short, you need to replenish what your body has lost. When your body endures a good workout, it loses essential hydration via sweat, muscle tissue breaks down, and extra energy is exerted. Recovery allows your body to repair its muscles, re-hydrate itself, and decrease the risk of injury – and it only takes a few minutes!
Here’s How:
1. Refuel your body. There’s something called an anabolic window that lasts up to 45 minutes after your workout. During this time, your body craves protein and healthy carbs to help replenish itself. Think: raw nuts, trail mix, fruit (bananas, apples, oranges), high-protein snacks (string cheese, turkey jerky, hummus), a smoothie.
2. Drink plenty of water to replace lost fluids. Dehydration not only reduces your performance potential, but it can also delay the recovery process. Wanna mix it up? Coconut water is a great hydrator!
3. Stretch. Take it easy. Listen to your body and stretch out what needs it. Help your muscles recover.
ELLIE TIP! Use a massager to help ease your tight muscles. Much like getting an actual massage, a hand-held tool helps improve circulation, too. You can find two of them in our November box! One awesome multi-point massager, and one especially for neck and shoulders.